
工作时间:周一至周日 8:30-16:30
signed customers
标签: 土工合成  访问: 5692015-01-20


大连博晰土工材料有限公司位于美丽的海滨城市大连,是家新兴的土工合成材料专业生产厂家,交通便利,  作为土工材料行业的新秀,大连博晰土工材料有限公司从成立伊始便把质量和创新作为公司发展的源动力。公司技术力量雄厚、生产工艺先进,检(试)验设备齐全。 本公司专业生产经营各种规格系列的单双向塑料土工格栅、经编格栅、钢塑格栅、土工网、三维土工网垫、土工格室、高强土工格室等土工材料. 产品质量已达到国际标准。其产品广泛应用于机场,港口码头、市政工程、公路、铁路、机械、水利、电力、水土保持及环境绿化与基础设施建设领域,产品受到工程界专家及广大用户的一致好评。公司产品已远销俄罗斯、印度尼西亚、英国、印度等。

公司将以“诚信为根、质量为本、客户至上”为宗旨,以提升公司形象,塑造品牌,服务社会为己任!我们始终信奉加强合作,追求同赢的商业道德,永远把满足顾客根本要求作为我们企业服务的核心. 公司遵循“诚信为根,质量为本”的商业理念,竭诚欢迎国内外客户及各界朋友惠顾指导,共图发展。


公司下属的泰熙环境工程公司,是从事防渗工程建设的专业公司。拥用一批高素质的专业技术、管理和施工人员,可以承担各项环境景观工程、防渗工程、道路工程、植被垫护工程、垂直绿化工程等工程的设计、施工及技术咨询。 公司愿与国内外同仁广泛合作,以实现强强联合,共谋发展大计。


dalian boxi geosynthetics co., ltd., is the professional supplier of geosynthetic materials, such as geotextile, hdpe geomembrane, geogrid, geocell, geonet etc.

as a new type of construction material, our “boxi” brand nonwoven geotextiles have been applied in many projects of civil engineering and geotechnical engineering, such as highways, railways, ports, airports, environmental protection, landfills, tunnels, canals, dykes, mine etc.

competitive price and superior quality is the key to be popular with numerous clients. our products have been distributed to asia, europe, south america, oceania, such as philippines, india, nepal, uae, qatar, czech republic, portugal, chile, australia, new zealand etc.

our quality strategy is to provide materials and service which give total customer satisfaction. we will try our best to supply materials that are fit for purpose, completely meet our customer requirement and continue to do so for as long as they reasonably expect.

we’d like to cooperate with friends both at home and abroad, achieve win-win and create great cause together!

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